Welcome to my new blog. I will be writing my technical experiences, challenges faced and other adventures and tips in this blog. I have been developing this website for quite some time now and I decided to use Gridsome to develop my new blog.
Yes you guessed it right being a VueJs Enthusiast, I wanted to explore Gridsome and learn the concepts behind Gridsome and utilize the power of GraphQL provided in built with Gridsome.
So here comes the tools which I have used to develop this website.
Below is the Gridsome configuration which I have used for developing this website.
module.exports = {
siteName: 'baskarmib world',
Post : '/content/posts/:year/:month/:title',
plugins: [{
use: '@gridsome/source-filesystem',
options: {
path: 'content/posts/**/*.md',
typeName: 'Post'
remark: {
autolinkClassName: "fas fa-hashtag",
externalLinksTarget: "_blank",
externalLinksRel: ["nofollow", "noopener", "noreferrer"],
plugins: [['gridsome-plugin-remark-shiki', { theme: 'nord', skipInline: false }]]
While developing the blog using Gridsome, I initially had the content folder within the src folder. It is required to have the content folder outside of src folder while using the below path.
Latest version of Gridsome would provide a deprecation warning to use templates for collections.
This can be resolved by using templates in gridsome.config.js
Post : '/content/posts/:year/:month/:title',
It is not required to mention route as part of @gridsome/source-filesystem plugin.
Once these are taken care, we are up and running.
Credit goes to below authors as I have referred all the solutions, for developing the blog and website.
Caleb Anthony - [https://gridsome.org/starters/bulma-starter/]
Dan Vega - [https://www.danvega.dev/blog/2019/01/31/hello-gridsome/]
Gift Egwuenu - [https://gridsome.org/starters/minimal-starter/]
Thank you all for your contributions, which helped in developing this website and blog. I strongly recommend referring the above links to get an initial understanding.
Thank you for reading!!